PCOS – A patient focused approach to your PCOS priorities
Whether you are suffering from irregular or absent periods, acne and metabolic risk factors, you can explore an empowered approach to your cycle and symptoms with diet, lifestyle and natural medicine and or prescriptive approach. I am so passionate about PCOS that I have I am the founder of PCOS Health Collective. Check out that website for more PCOS tailored experience.
You don’t need to suffer any alone… TOGETHER, help take the reins and help you regain hormonal sanity and vibrant health:
Servicing BC residents via virtual appointments – since 2010.
Being Told You Have A Life Sentence With Only One Option Isn’t Working For you?
I hear you. Your hormonal symptoms can seem overwhelming. The thing is… it doesn’t have to be this way!
Not Loving the Birth Control Pill?
Let’s be honest. If contraception is priorité numéro un, then birth control may be your favourite option right now. No problem, I can even prescribe it! But for others, maybe you just don’t feel your best on the birth control pill, or you’d like to restore ovulation in advance of wanting babies, and you need another solution.
Babies on your Mind?
Having a regular period is kind of a big deal in the whole baby-making process, right? Not to mention that the drivers of PCOS (like inflammation and insulin resistance) also increase miscarriage risk. So let’s do this. We’ll optimize your fertility and staying pregnant odds.
Stuck In Metabolic Gridlock
Insulin resistance and inflammation are major drivers in most women with PCOS. so it’s no wonder weight gain is common. But don’t be overwhelmed by all the conflicting diet and food fads online! We’ll start with what’s proven and move on to more advanced strategies if you need them
If you are nodding “YES” to any of the above, it’s time to get your body back:
PCOS Pillars of Health
First things first, an evidence-based program to give you the knowledge but more importantly the strategies that will transform your relationship with your PCOS. You can reclaim mojo and better manage your PCOS symptoms without extreme restrictions.
Sign up for newsletter so you can get Founders Perks. Launching Fall/Winter 2024
Hi, I’m Dr. Mélanie Your Virtual Naturopathic Doctor!
I get it because I’ve been there.
I, too, am a soul cyster, with a history of multiple cysts on my ovaries, stubborn acne that wouldn’t budge, and unpredictable periods for years. I know what it’s like to be in my mid-twenties and wondering about my future fertility, exhausted and stressed. But the crazy part?
I started implementing natural strategies as a student in naturopathic medical school, so by the time I saw a gynecologist, my periods had completely normalized.
I have since helped more than 1000 women (just like YOU!), since 2010, make sense of the hormonal madness and harness their hormones to get better periods, support their fertility, and feel like themselves again.
Would you believe me if I told you that it is absolutely possible to regulate your periods without the pill? That even with PCOS, you can have a period that just “sneaks up on you” after exactly a month of feeling balanced, energized, and massively productive?
It’s true. I see it in the women who I work with in my practice every day.
Let’s make that happen for you.
Optimized Naturopathic PCOS Care
For BC residents exclusively, you’ll get your individualized health plan designed
to be implemented over a period of 3-6 months and includes the following sections.
Pharmaceutical Rx
There is a time and a place for everything. Appropriate and thoughtful pharmaceutical prescriptions when needed.
Getting Started Is As Easy As 1-2-3
When you book in and start working with me, you’ll get your individualized health plan
designed to be implemented over a period of 3-6 months and includes the following sections.
[FREE Guide]
The Empowered Cyster’s Guide to PCOS Labs
Discover your unique metabolic and hormonal patterns—so you can make strategic changes that will get results!
This is a complete guide to understanding your labs:
Rule out conditions that mimic PCOS
Know exactly which labs to track and why
Identify your own most important drivers of PCOS
Talk to our receptionist directly via the contact form on the right. She’ll get back to you within 24 hours.